Grampa Plainview suffered cancer for three years before he died in 2006, three days before Christmas. Because he lived several states away, the Plainview children didn't get to say goodbye.
When we were pulling out our ornaments for the tree this year, I found an ornament Eve made sometime shortly after we lost Grampa. No one ever knew she made it. I suppose it was a her special secret gift. It was a special secret gift for us this year.

Eve's Rag Doll: Day 1
She beat me to the punch. I intended to make all the girls handmade rag dolls for Christmas, but Eve was inspired to make her own, so I didn't stop her. She worked on part of it today.
Renewing the Sabbath
I spent the day trying not to move too much. I think yesterday, I may have eaten something that didn't agree with me, so my insides have been all knotted and twisted up in protest. Mr. Plainview took up my slack and cooked dinner, then he retired early.
The girls and I opened the next window on the Advent calendar. Since tomorrow evening is Sunday, the activity is the second candle lighting. We'll read Scripture and create a new prayer list for the week.
So, the house is quiet now, and everyone else is in their bedrooms trying to fall asleep. James returned just a few minutes ago from an out-of-town outing with his best friend's family. The Christmas lights are glowing in the windows. The Christmas tree, nativity, stockings...all are in their places and radiating festive cheer.
On my mind is the Sabbath. Last night's reading was from the book of Deuteronomy, and how God created the Sabbath as a holy day of rest.
We never have been a family to observe the Sabbath in the traditional sense, or in any sense, really. As far as everyone else is concerned, it's the last day to relax before the busy week begins on Monday. For me, it's usually about making sure the laundry is done and the lesson plans are prepared.
The scriptures last night gave me a lot to think about. I was really impressed by the way God ordered rest not only for His people, but also for the servants, the "strangers", and all the livestock. The Sabbath, whether it was a Sabbath day or a Sabbath year, was meant as a time of rest for the land, too. It seemed the whole world grew still on those days. I could even envision a sky absent of birds; perhaps the wind itself did not blow and the waves did not crash on the Sabbath.
What I cannot envision is myself doing nothing on Sundays. I cannot imagine serving cold meals all day long, not putting things away, not making the bed when I get up, not loading the dishwasher at the end of the day.
On a normal, busy day, the thought that usually follows me to bed is the thought of all the things I didn't accomplish, even despite all the things I did accomplish. I cringe to consider the thoughts that might nag me if I go to bed having left a day's dirt, dust, and disorder.
What I can envision is a day of a restful heart, mind, and spirit.
Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof. Matthew 6:34I can willingly devote the day to remaining in an attitude of prayer and walking with Him no matter what it is I'm doing. I should aspire to this kind of mindfulness every day of life, but especially on Sunday, because the Sabbath is holy.
Keeping the Sabbath holy was never much of a priority for me until I read Moses's account in Deuteronomy. Strangely now, after all these years of mothering the household and trying to do what's right, I find myself called and compelled to give Sundays back to Him.
Tonight, I'm not quite sure what a proper Sunday might look like, but I'm sure He'll show me soon enough.
We aren't traditionalist either but although I often do laundry & prepare the schoolwork I do try not to have anything outside he home going on & certainly nothing that takes me off the island! The girls & I may go to evening church off island but my Liddy drives & all I have to do is tell her when she's speeding. :)
Oh my goodness... that sweet letter made me all misty eyed... how amazingly precious and genuine is that??
I loved what you said about the rest that should come on the Sabbath... if not works at least for your heart and soul. Very insightful! Loved reading all that Jesus is stirring in your heart!
Hugs.. Amy
When it comes to the Sabbath in our home, I'm pretty much the only one who makes a point to observe it. However, since Sunday is a "work" day for me, I do my resting on Saturdays. I don't do much of any work (not in a legalistic sense, however) or require any of our Munchkins to do chores, and consider the day and overwhelming success when I've managed to confine myself to my pajamas with lots of hours in bed reading or knitting or playing with the kids.
When Israel was taken into captivity by the Babylonians it was to last for 70 years because that's the number of Sabbath years they had ignored - which puts a pretty weighty perspective on the command.
Though my convictions and Scripture seem to release us from the legality of this command, I KNOW the 'heart' of it will forever be valid. It's that 'heart' part I want to enter into - and I expect it practically looks different for your home than it does for ours. May the Lord provide the wisdom and creativity you need to go forth into the heart of His BEST for you!!
that is beautiful of eve... really a special gift~
i love your advent calendar and all that it brings, melody. i hope to start the 12 days of christmas, on the eve of the 14th..
my son, christopher, turns 9 on the 15th.. i love december!
i thought i'd have the kids think of something/and chris and i too, to do each day before the 25th.
the sabbath.. thanks for sharing about what this day means and how important it is to rest.. love 'hearing' your heart..
bless your tuesday! love, lis
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