December 4, 2008

Lord, teach me what to say.

Advent Activity, December 4th
Cut-Out Paper Chain Garland

Answered Prayer: Lord, teach me what to say.
10 And Moses said unto the LORD, O my LORD, I am not eloquent, neither heretofore, nor since thou hast spoken unto thy servant: but I am slow of speech, and of a slow tongue.

11 And the LORD said unto him, Who hath made man's mouth? or who maketh the dumb, or deaf, or the seeing, or the blind? have not I the LORD?

12 Now therefore go, and I will be with thy mouth, and teach thee what thou shalt say.

Exodus 4:10-12

I thought my Social Anxiety might get the best of me today when I had to give a second parent advisement session on essay writing. The session last month went well, judging from the feedback after the fact, but I walked away feeling scrutinized and traumatized, though I knew it was all in my head.

This time, I'd been dreading the speaking engagement all week. It's not that I didn't know my topic through and through, not that I didn't feel a deep purpose in sharing what I've learned. It was worry about presenting myself well and providing the information in a way that could be understood and absorbed. It's hard for people to understand a person and absorb what she's saying if the speaker's stumbling over her words, shaking from nervousness, and pausing because she's forgotten where she was.

I had a long talk with God about that. My intentions were good, and I felt I truly did have something of value to give, and I wanted to give that presentation, because I knew it would help other moms who have trouble teaching their kids to write. So why all the anxiety?

Well, I asked God to take my nervousness from me and to give me the words to be clear, amicable, and thorough.

He gave me all of those.

The session went swimmingly. When all was said and done, it felt less like a "presentation," and more like a moms meeting. That is what I envisioned for the session, and I've been so grateful there are no lingering bad feelings or anxiety to follow me through to the next presentation.


Ganeida said...

Congratulations. These things can be traumatic even for experienced presenters.

lisi said...

hey melody!
love reading your thoughts, your day! so nice to 'meet' you!
so glad you presented and were successful melody.. that's a nice feeling, to have accomplished, shared and done! hehehe
bless your friday where you are! and thanks for sharing your thoughts on my blog..
i love amy! she is really a beauty!
and btw.. your children are beautiful! and you too/in the picture here on your blog!
love, lisette (lisi/nickname)